Recognising the importance of swimming and water safety for people with disabilities, STA’s Rockhopper series and Emperor series are the most comprehensive and progressing programmes for people of all ages with disabilities.
The Rockhopper series is an exciting programme consisting of 9 awards which introduce learners with disabilities to the joy of water. The series develops water confidence and water skills as well as increasing water safety awareness and knowledge.
As a standalone scheme, STA’s disabilities awards can be run independently or alongside our full International Learn to Swim Programme.

Are you using the programme? Download our disabilities awards success tracker here!

Learning Outcomes
- Enter the water with support
- Respond to water being gently sprinkled over limbs
- Show enjoyment of being in the water
- Lie on the back or front with adult support and be towed around the pool
- Push a floating toy around the pool using any part of the body
- Blow through a straw, whistle or blow a floating toy or watch, listen or feel a toy being blown
- Move limbs in an alternating action

Learning Outcomes
- Enter the water using any means
- Look, listen or feel for splashes, enjoy water being sprinkled over head or body
- Move limbs whilst moving around the pool
- Float on the back or front whilst in a relaxed position
- Watch, listen, feel or mimic blowing action while attempting to place mouth close to the water
- Swing from back to front and return to back or side swing
- Respond to light/sound and/or smell changes
- Exit safely

Learning Outcomes
- Show an understanding of being in the pool area
- Enter the water using an appropriate method
- Move through the water on the front or back for 5 metres
- Float with a piece of equipment for 10 seconds or float with a piece of equipment for 10 seconds and return to an upright position
- Roll from back to front and return to the back
- Splash the water using own limbs or equipment or hum with nose in the water for 5 seconds
- Respond to floating toys or move through the water to collect floating toys
- Push a toy around the pool
- Enjoy water being sprinkled over limbs or head or travel through a hoop at the water’s surface
- Move across the pool in an upright position

Learning Outcomes
- Enter the water safely with a jump or show an awareness of entering the pool safely
- Touch a floating toy or perform a jellyfish or mushroom float
- Reach for a toy and return it to poolside
- Move across the pool or swim 5 metres on the front, roll onto the back and float
- Move limbs in response to the actions of an adult or swim 5 metres on the back, stand up or adopt a safe position at poolside
- Use a watering can to sprinkle water
- Blow a toy across the pool or watch/listen to an adult blowing a toy across the pool or pick up a submerged toy from the bottom of the pool

Learning Outcomes
- Enter the water safely or enter the water safely, submerge and swim to the poolside and show a safe support
- Move across the pool to collect a toy and return to poolside or tread water in an upright position for 10 seconds
- Play with a toy or blow bubbles rhythmically while moving forward through the water
- Move through the water under a woggle rainbow on the front or back or swim through a hoop held just below the water’s surface
- Push a toy towards an adult or peer or push and glide on the front
- Float on the back for 10 seconds
- Move through the water using any style for 10 metres
- Exit the pool safely

Learning Outcomes
- Move around the pool avoiding floating toys or enter the water safely, using any method, roll onto the back and float for 10 seconds
- Copy the swimming movements of an adult or swim 15 metres using any style
- Move across the pool using arms or swim 5 metres on the front, roll onto the back and swim a further 5 metres
- Jump up and down in the water with support or push and glide through a hoop held below the water’s surface, swim and adapt a safe breathing position
- Look or feel for submerged toys with the face in the water or breathe rhythmically while swimming for 10 metres on the front or back
- Play a movement game that involves splashing and kicking
- Move through a woggle waterfall, having water sprinkled over the head or tread water for 20 seconds

Learning Outcomes
- Swim across the pool on the front using any style for 20 metres
- Swim across the pool on the back using any style for 20 metres
- Jump into the water safely with a partner or recover a submerged toy from chest depth water
- Lift feet off the pool floor, using a woggle or float for 15 seconds
- Blow bubbles into the water or holding the poolside, rail or woggle, submerge completely and blow bubbles
- Perform one of the following:
- Change body position from back to front or front to back, from a push and glide
- Propel a floating toy for 2 metres
- Perform a treading water action with legs using a woggle (sea horses), or floats
- Kick across the pool with an aid on the front or back

Learning Outcomes
- Answer a pool safety question
- Enter the pool safely from poolside or exhale rhythmically with face submerged 4 times
- Swim 5 metres unaided using any style or swim 25 metres unaided using any style
- Push and glide from the poolside on the front
- Perform a star float and the stand up or float in a relaxed manner for 20 seconds
- Perform two of the following:
- Attempt breathing when swimming on the front
- Attempt treading water
- Recover a toy from the bottom of the pool, from a swimming position
- Swim 10 metres on the front, roll onto the back and swim 10 metres, regain feet or secure a safe position at the poolside
- Swim 25 metres, collect a floating toy and return to the starting position
- Rotate on the surface of the water with the body sitting or lying back, for two complete revolutions

Learning Outcomes
- Explain the pool safety rule
- Perform one of the following:
- Float for 30 seconds
- Tread water for 30 seconds
- Maintain a vertical position in the water for 60 seconds
- Perform one of the following:
- Swim 100 metres on either the front or back
- Swim 100 metres on the front and 25 metres on the back
- Swim 100 metres on the back and 25 metres on the front
- Perform three of the following:
- Enter the water and recover to a swimming position, swim 10 metres then leave the water unaided
- Recover a toy from the bottom of the pool, from a swimming position, in chest deep water
- Submerge and swim underwater for 1 metre
- Perform the H.E.L.P. position for 30 seconds
- Tow a casualty for 10 metres
- Swim 25 metres changing from front to back and return to the front
- Swim 25 metres changing from back to front and return to the back